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Pflugerville, Texas, United States

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hola, Obama

“Si se puede,” ( It can be done), a slogan used by Cesar Chavez, is now becoming known all over the nation as “Yes we can.” Senator Barack Obama is endorsing this slogan in his campaign. The chant was made famous by the Mexican American Labor movement, that strove to gain rights for Mexican American migrant workers. This movement led to the creation of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, on August 22, 1966, which later became the United Farm Workers of America. This cant reminds Latinos of strength, courage, overcoming injustice and of the will to never give up. Garnering the Latino vote is a great challenge for Senator Barack Obama. Like Cesar Chavez, Obama recognizes that it is time for change. However, identifying with today’s Latinos is going to take much more than singing the battle cry of the great civil rights activist, Cesar Chavez. The Bill Clinton administration’s track record with Latino nominations to political office will play a significant role in influencing the much coveted Latino vote. Although Sen. Obama addresses many issues and claims that “Yes, we can heal this nation,” It is my political opinion that a strong platform is built on the foundation of addressing the issues that are important to the American Voter. While immigration reform is a sensitive issue, rhetorical cries that tug at sentimental feelings of unfair government, do not present an unambiguous choice for the minority voter. In conclusion, perhaps we can all learn that the American Voter, is an educated voter.


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